Paying special attention to moldy foods to avoid aflatoxin. And
taking glutathione (reduced) on an empty stomach in the morning.
Of course, he was to continue the maintenance parasite program
plus zapping.
He was then given an IV of EDTA, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C,
each item being tested for a set of eleven pollutant toxins (copper, cobalt,
vanadium, benzene, isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol, malonic acid, maleic
acid, methyl malonate, maleic anhydride, D-malic acid). [Now we also test
for dyes and urethane.] The IV bag of saline was tested for these also.
After a single IV, Todd was re-tested for copper at the lymph nodes,
liver, and parathyroid. He was Negative now and could stop taking this kind
of IV.
It was a day of swallowing, drinking, taking supplements, zapping, and
IVing; but at the day’s end, he felt better instead of being fatigued. He went
back to his Gerson residence, but stuck to the malonate-free diet. He took
copper-free drinking water with him until he could have his own tested.
Next day, he was free of benzene and xylene, having stopped drinking
bottled water. His copper was still Negative, so we gave him our tumor
shrinking IV to be done daily. It contained calcium, magnesium, laetrile,
cesium chloride, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and DMSO. Again, all items
were tested for the 11 tumor toxins.
His first blood test showed a very low potassium in spite of his Gerson
supplement of potassium. He was instructed to double his intake of it. His
blood sugar was extremely low, as is common for cancer patients.
His blood urea nitrogen was much too low, also, in spite of taking 26
grams (5 tsp.) a day on his Gerson program.
The supplementary urea was evidently a drop in the bucket and not even
noticeable after many weeks. This was understandable, since he had been
dousing himself with carrot juice (malonic acid inhibits urea formation). He
also took creatine, by mouth. His albumin was too high, no doubt due to co-
balt in the liver. Serum iron was quite satisfactory, showing his copper intake
had been slight. His LDH and alkaline phosphatase were gratifyingly low
[showing that Sudan Black B and DAB were not the problem ]. His good re-
sults so far were a tribute to the Gerson program and Todd’s personal deter-
mination to comply. He continued his IVs for a week and then did a follow
up blood test (May 15). Now his BUN was still lower. Only a strong inhibi-
tor of urea formation could be responsible, such as a stalled urea synthesis
cycle in the liver or large quantities of malonic acid. Checking back in his
test records, malonate was found to be present each day he had come in for
testing. [But we did not suspect it might be in the very plastic we had recom-
mended for amalgam replacement!] His calcium had risen too high, along
with phosphate: (calcium 10.3, phosphate 4.1) showing that bone was being
dissolved. Something toxic was still in his thyroid! This would inhibit calci-
tonin formation, removing the protection his bones relied on. Testing
showed: cobalt Positive at thyroid, vanadium Negative at thyroid, copper