- changing his plumbing at home to PVC from copper. He was ad-
vised to move into a mobile home with plastic water pipes tempo-
rarily while his plumbing got changed.
All supplements had to be procured from us to be sure they had been
tested and were free of the common tumor-causing pollutants.
Two days later, May 22, he was feeling better, his malignancy was
stopped (ortho-phospho-tyrosine Negative), but copper was still present.
An ultrasound of the lower abdomen, done this day, showed the tumor
was 3.8 x 2.75 cm.
On June 5, he was still Positive for freon, fiberglass, and copper.
On June 26 although copper and fiberglass were now Negative, he still
tested Positive for Staphylococcus at the kidney location. This originates in a
dental infection, reaching out to his tumor. A blood test was scheduled. He
had not yet started on the freon removal program. He had just begun dental
cleanup, but hadn’t been using white iodine to brush; he was quickly started
on it.
It is easy to see, he still had either cobalt or vanadium toxicity; his RBC
was still too high.
His WBC was higher, probably from ongoing dental work which re-
leases bacteria into the whole body while wounds are open. This was a good
immune response, though! His LDH, although indicating no malignancy
before, was now even lower (good).
The albumin had gone higher—too high. The calcium level had come up
and was now normal. Albumin and calcium are linked by your body so that
May 22 tumor measures 3.8x2.75 cm