In addition to the usual Lugol’s, Q10, freon program, parasite program,
and glutathione, she was given methylene blue, 65 mg (three times a day).
She was reminded that her urine would look blue...not to worry about
“turning into a blueberry”.
Her IVs were started the day she arrived and contained 3 vials EDTA, to
pull heavy metal out of her brain, vitamin B-complex, laetrile, and vitamin
C. The next day, though, May 4, she was still testing Positive for copper at
the brain and liver; it was found polluting the dilantin pills she was taking. A
Mexican brand of dilantin was chosen that tested free of toxins. Another
course of EDTA was given.
Two days after that, May 6, she had to be assisted to walk straight. She
was losing ground. Copper was still Positive. They had already moved twice
to different rooms in their motel, each time bringing the tap water in to test
for copper. Meanwhile, time was flitting away. An emergency loomed.
On May 9, six days after her arrival, she was still Positive for copper in
the cerebrum, in spite of chelating it out with EDTA. She was advised to
move to our environmentally safe motel. It would mean sitting in a long line
of border traffic each day, but at least the copper problem would disappear.
On May 11, copper was Negative. She could read again, her eyes and her
balance were much better. She was in the middle of dental work. And malo-
nic acid was testing Negative in her brain.
By May 15, she was much less dizzy and walking better. Glutathione
was testing Positive, now, at her cerebrum. But TNF was still Negative.
Patulin must still be present at the brain. She was taken off all fruit in her
diet till this would be gone. On May 18, she was so much better, she was
talking conversationally with anybody. She had no dizziness at all.
Her blood test, done May 16, showed the typical drop in uric acid as it
becomes unmasked by folic acid and other supplements. [Later we found the
true cause of a low uric acid to be clostridia bacteria. This results in almost
no purines (nucleic acids) being formed or used (catabolized) and hence a
low uric acid.]