although her water had been copper-free for four days already and the body
level should have been going down.
We had become suspicious of dental work, since this seemed to be the
only big event occurring. We decided to chip a bit off an old plastic tooth she
had had for several years. It tested Positive for titanium and lead! And tita-
nium and lead had been found in the breast!
The race was on to find other toxins in the dental plastic that were trav-
eling to the breast. Here they would use up her precious glutathione. We be-
gan testing the dental materials presently being put into her mouth.
The new plastic had malonic and maleic acids, besides copper, cobalt,
and vanadium! But not much had been put in yet! It was stopped–put on
hold–till all plastic ingredients could be tested.
Meanwhile, the breasts had gotten much softer. The only hardness left
was one area near the top of the right breast. The left side was already clear.
An ultrasound and blood test were scheduled. Her frustration with
stalled tooth filling and the frequent interruptions for testing and removal, all
faded as she produced the negatives. Almost all the fibrous mat underlying
the right breast was gone. A small area still persisted at the top. This matched
her interpretation by palpation (feeling it). It was all worthwhile. She was
escaping the family curse—on the women’s side, and doing it in two weeks!
The curse had existed for decades.
But the blood test showed a different side to the story. All was not well.
The blood test is a tough-minded teacher.
The WBC was up showing some infection, probably from the dentist’s
hands. It can be avoided by swishing with Lugol’s solution or 1% chlorine
bleach (see Recipes) right in the dentist’s office before, during, and after the
procedure. The blood sugar was not yet up, so metabolism was not yet nor-
Sep 2 Breast is softer; only one intensely
white area remains