mal. She could make less BUN (urea) than before. Most significant was the
big rise in LDH [new dyes put into teeth]. I suspected correctly that it was
caused by new toxins put into her teeth. But the albumin and globulin levels
were corrected; implying removal of cobalt. Uric acid was not yet up in spite
of giving glutamine. And calcium, too, had not risen a bit; more evidence of
malonate being put in her mouth to suck on continually. In spite of taking
vitamin D, the phosphorus dropped instead of rising—toxins were reaching
the parathyroids.
But iron had dropped a large amount. Only copper [or germanium ]
could do this. These must have gone into her mouth with the dentalware.
Potassium did not come up in spite of considerable supplementation. But
triglycerides did rise, always a good sign. She was going through less fuel in
some ways.
The low calcium pointed to the
parathyroids. Indeed, we found the cop-
per there. Would Lorene stay and search
for its source? Would she pursue her
problems till LDH and calcium were
correct? Not this time. She accepted the
joy the ultrasound brought, but not the
thundercloud on the horizon. The breast
was normalizing at a very fast rate.
Summary: And we again learned
that important lesson: the tumorous
situation is distinct and different from
the toxic situation revealed by the blood
test. The tumor cannot be equated with
the underlying toxicity. In fact, the tu-
mor is not the lethal entity, unless of
course it obstructs something or becomes
infected or hemorrhages. The underlying
toxicity is the life threatening part of
tumor disease. The changes, subtle at
first, brought about by copper, cobalt,
vanadium, malonate [and germanium
and azo dyes] are the real killers. Per-
haps she will return when the good news has been savored sufficiently. Or
perhaps, she can make the final changes herself; she may learn where the
problem resides, what to do about it, and get it done all by herself.
35 Kristie Barnes Ovarian & Liver Cancer
Kristie Barnes had surgery a year ago for tumors, possibly ovarian,
pressing against the colon. They were the size of lemons, but gave her no
Lorene Rails
8/21 9/2
RBC 4.56 4.53
WBC 5,900 8,000
PLT 242 283
glucose 69 72
BUN 13 9
creatinine 1.0 0.9
AST (SGOT) 19 19
ALT (SGPT) 13 17
LDH 156 200
GGT 14 13
T.b. 0.8 0.4
alk phos 46 61
T.p. 6.7 6.4
albumin 4.8 4.4
globulin 1.9 2.0
uric acid 3.1 3.1
Calcium 8.6 8.6
Phosphorus 2.6 2.3
Iron 124 63
Sodium 140 136
Potassium 3.9 3.9
Chloride 101 103
triglycerides 89 114
cholesterol 254 217