different animal, causing new tumors^41 —they had developed a
life of their own! So they were called “cancerous.”
Here are some PAH-like carcinogens detected by the Syn-
crometer in every tumor, whether benign or malignant:
- 20-methylcholanthrene. This was deemed to be the most
carcinogenic of all chemicals when it was discovered;^1 / 10
of a mg (^1 / 10 of a flyspeck) placed under the skin of a
mouse , would induce tumors many months later and
would kill the mouse. - 1,10-phenanthroline, somewhat similar to phenanthrene,
and always accompanied by its iron-derivative ferroin. - Phorbol (phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, or “PMA”)
one of a family of naturally occurring tumor promoters.^42 - 1, 2:5, 6- dibenzanthracene, a very potent tumor inducer.
- 3,5 cholestadiene, a tumor inducer and oxidation product
of cholesterol. - Chrysene, an oxidation product of cholesterol and tumor
Some carcinogens, studied by early scientists, were so long
lasting after a single minute dose that they could still be seen by
a fluorescence-meter seven or eight months later! This ex-
plained why it might take so very long (a long “latency”) for
cancer induction. The carcinogen was tightly intercalated, could
not be detoxified or pulled out, and was causing mutations all
that time.
PAHs From Parasites
How can these powerful mutation-causing chemicals be
produced in our own bodies and allowed to intercalate them-
(^41) Greenstein, p. 22.
(^42) Birnboim, H.C., DNA Strand Breakage in Human Leukocytes Exposed to a Tumor
Promoter, Phorbol Myristate Acetate, Science, v.215, Mar. 5, 1982, pp. 1247-49.