On February 3 she was so much better mentally that she was able to
comment how unhappy she was that she couldn’t remember names and other
things the way she used to.
On February 5, she was completely aware and alert; taking care of her-
self, no longer incontinent if close to bathroom. All bacteria tested Negative
at the cerebrum. But she again was Positive for dental metal at her teeth
(where the teeth once were). How could that be? A new panoramic X-ray of
her mouth was taken. Several tattoos were visible! By February 8, two tat-
toos had been removed. She was fitted for dentures. At this last appointment
she used no inappropriate words; her brain was healing. Her blood test now
showed many improvements: her liver enzymes were going back down.
We thought she had turned the corner to health, but three days later,
February 11, she was dizzy. Walking was bad again. She had definitely dete-
riorated. And she was very sleepy. We quickly checked for bacteria in her
brain. Two varieties of Salmonella and E. coli were there. She had not been
getting enough Lugol’s. Nor any Lugol’s enemas. Nor any black walnut
tincture extra strength for a week! Both Arlene and her son thought she was
“out of the woods” and could be casual with her routines. She was put back
on 10 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength plus 9 capsules cloves and 9
capsules wormwood.
She got better immediately. But three days later, February 14, she was
deteriorating again. Again, she was full of Salmonella , E. coli, numerous
Clostridium types, and Rhizobium meliloti, the DNA makers. Again, she was
incontinent. Why was her immunity so low again? There was mercury, cop-
per, cobalt, vanadium testing Positive, but this time at a bone location, not
tooth. Evidently, there was still another tattoo embedded in her jawbone, not
at a tooth location. But how could it be found?
We decided to try a new radiologist, perhaps his X-rays were of higher
quality. We got his full cooperation in trying to find this tattoo. Meanwhile,
we raised her supplements of arginine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and or-
nithine to ward off coma from ammonia.
The new X-rays showed nothing; we even sent them to the University of
California to a dental radiologist there. But time was passing and there was
very little time. Her downhill trend was obvious on the February 14 blood
test. The liver was toxic.
Was she eating something toxic, accidentally, in her food or supple-
ments? I started her on silymarin. [I should have taken her off all supple-
ments because this is the usual source of lead.]
Without X-rays, a dentist is at a loss where to search for a tattoo, unless
it is plainly visible. Arlene’s life was hanging by a thread now. We couldn’t
wait for the University’s results. We persuaded her dental surgeon to simply
go exploring. A quadrant at a time should be surgically opened and searched
for bits of leftover metal.
He found it! It was stuck in the bone.