drainage]. But calcium was up and potassium down, both entirely normal
now, showing that toxins were out of the parathyroid and thyroid glands, a
nice step of progress.
Syncrometer tests now showed DNA and p53 mutation Negative at the
brain, so tumor growth and mutations had ceased.
By March 27, William said he felt “fantastic”. We all noticed that he
now had facial expression that had previously been missing in a mask-like
The new blood test, March 27, showed gratifying improvements. Most
important were the significant drops in LDH and alk phos, suggesting no
more tumor activity. (An extremely low LDH, though, can be due to cobalt
Yet the RBC was much too high, as were albumin and calcium, whereas
the uric acid was still too low.
We searched the bone marrow, liver, spleen, and thyroid for incriminat-
ing evidence of toxins. The bone marrow search was remarkably clean. The
spleen showed deficits: Negative for lactoferrin and transferrin. These should
be Positive for correct handling of iron. He was instructed to drink raw milk,
1 glass per week, properly sterilized.
By April 1, his spirits were high; he was very anxious to go home and
resume his home-building trade. But, obviously, there were still dental rem-
nants of sufficient size to disturb thyroid function, and the RBC.
The uric acid level was still much too low; there were significant levels
of clostridium bacteria somewhere; we must find them. The thyroid was ap-
parently under attack so we searched there. Mercury, silver, vanadyl com-
plexes were Negative at the thyroid. DNA, p53 gene were Positive at the
thyroid. The DNA-forming bacteria must be in the thyroid, though they had
vacated the brain.
Clostridium bacteria, rhizobium bacteria, and lactobacilli were Positive
there. All the DNA-formers were still there. A thorough cleaning of dental
tissues was called for in hopes of clearing their source.
The cerebrum, though, had already tested clear of all these, so a new
MRI was ordered.
On April 7, a happy father and son arrived with their new MRI nega-
tives. But not without some apprehension. They had learned to recognize the
tumor on several frames of the first set of negatives and were unable to lo-
cate it now. But were they merely missing it, as lay persons might? No, the
tumor was gone. The bulge remained where the tumor had been, but the tis-
sue density and structure were the same as normal tissue. It was gone.
Of course, William’s behavior had reflected this return to normalcy. He
was his former helpful, communicative self. But could he go home? Not
while the problem in his thyroid persisted.
We received the new blood test results: RBC was still much too high.
We had searched the bone marrow without finding metal; we would next