raises the helper-to-suppresser ratio of our T-cells.^46 Good ger-
manium protects our chromosomes from virus invasion.^47
Another way that good germanium is turned into bad ger-
manium is by asbestos. The Syncrometer detects asbestos eve-
rywhere in our environment. For instance on apples and plums,
undoubtedly picked up from conveyer belts that contain asbes-
tos, because when the fruit is washed and the stem and blossom
removed, the Syncrometer finds the asbestos gone. Sugar also
tests positive to asbestos,
possibly from also being
transported on belts, and
you can not wash sugar!
So many of our sweet-
ened foods are polluted
with small amounts of
As soon as it is swal-
lowed, your white blood
cells try to remove it by
“eating” the sharp asbes-
tos needles. Unfortu-
nately, the asbestos wins
the battle and is soon free
again, but your white blood cells will continue to fight. Your
body tries another plan: cover the tips with a protein that will
act like gum, keeping the needles together and blunted.^48 The
protein chosen is ferritin , whose neatly shaped molecule is now
torn by the asbestos spears, exposing its iron core. Exposed iron
is highly oxidizing—it over-oxidizes everything in the vicinity,
including good germanium, making it bad.
(^46) Ikemoto, K., Kobayashi, M., Fukumoto, T., Morimatsu, M., Pollard, R.B., Suzuki, F.,
2-Carboxyethylgermanium Sesquioxide, a Synthetic Organogermanium Compound,
As An Inducer of Contrasuppressor T Cells, Experientia, v. 52, 1996, pp. 159-66.
(^47) Clark, H.R., Syncrometer Biochemistry Laboratory Manual, New Century Press,
(^48) Fubini, B., Barceló, F., Areán, C.O., Ferritin Adsorption on Amosite [asbestos]
Fibers: Possible Implications in the Formation and Toxicity of Asbestos Bodies,
Jour. Tox. Env. Health, v. 52, 1997, pp. 343-52.