were missing an enzyme, RNAse inhibitor, that would have protected him
from digesting the proteins as soon as they were made. RNAse inhibitor was
absent due to having vanadyl complexes everywhere. The streptomyces
bacteria, though, are strictly dependent on tapeworm larvae and could be
eliminated in a day. His RNAse inhibitor could be reinstated by getting the
vanadium out of his mouth. And this was proceeding as fast as it could—
dental work was already scheduled. A notable exception to the picture of
absent RNA in his tissues was the skin. Here RNA remained high. Although
streptomycin-like toxins could be detected at the skin, no protease was ever
detected. Wherever RNAse inhibitor was missing, RNAse A had a runaway
existence in his vital organs (not skin).
Parasites and bacteria were consuming his vital tissues as swiftly as cat-
erpillars can strip an orchard tree. It had to be stopped at once.
His tests took two hours to complete. After this, his Day 1 instructions
were begun. He had a lot to accomplish in the next two days, most important
was killing his parasites thoroughly and getting the “restored” teeth ex-
tracted. Refilling them would run two risks: trapping clostridium bacteria
again and getting a new large dose of copper, cobalt, vanadium, maleic acid,
and urethane. This would terminate his life, there would be no contest. After
extracting the old teeth, partial dentures could be made for him. We assured
him he would look good and be able to chew. This had been discussed with
him before he decided to come to our clinic. He was eager to get it all done,
and was surprised to see how well he was recovering from the first extrac-
tions. He was doing the Dental Aftercare program carefully, “drinking” his
food after “blending” it so that no nutrition was lost. He was water picking
This panoramic X-ray with many “restored” teeth is typical for
cancer patients