Tapeworm stages were consistently testing Negative at gallbladder,
liver, and bile ducts. Was he not reinfecting? There was no way of knowing
except daily testing for about five days.
Rhodizonic acid was Positive at bone and prostate. He was making it
now, from the inositol supplement. In spite of these glorious achievements,
there was much more to do, as the 21 Day Program progressed. We added
flaxseed. He could cook the flaxseed into his cereal after ozonating the seed
to detoxify any benzene.
It was time to check on his growth-regulators again: pyruvic aldehyde
and thiourea. Pyruvic aldehyde had returned to its correct period: one minute
being present, the following minute being absent. Thiourea was in perfect
alternation with pyruvic aldehyde, as it should be. His bone tissue growth
rate had normalized.
The enzymes arginase and ornithine decarboxylase were present only
briefly, ten to fifteen seconds out of each minute. Spermidine was present
only ten seconds out of each minute. These three substances are overpro-
duced when a tissue is growing out of control. His were normal. It was a day
of celebration for Bruce; we shared his enthusiasm for living.
The next day, he had an ultrasound (not shown) of the prostate done
which he brought with him the following day, September 27. The prostate
was considered normal by the radiologist, and indeed, there was nothing ab-
normal to be seen. The weight was estimated at 50 grams. This was hardly
the gland that had produced the 1250 PSA; it had recovered considerably.
The last two pains, at the left thigh and left shoulder, were now gone
though a lump could still be felt at the thigh. Clostridium species, Fasciolop-
sis flukes, and Ascaris were still gone, but there was evidence again of tape-
worm larval stages at the bile duct. Reinfection could come simply from
consuming one leaf of lettuce, a few strawberries, or a thimbleful of milk
that were not sterilized. He had to learn to do this for himself. A liver cleanse
with ozonated oil was advised just in case they were also stuck in his gall-
stones. All the amino acids tested earlier and found Negative were now
Positive. RNA was now present at all organs, too.
Two days later, September 29, he exclaimed over his good appetite and
lack of pain. He had done the liver cleanse and was again Negative for tape-
worm larvae. We were waiting for Bruce’s gums to heal over enough to
permit cleaning his front teeth. Air abrasion cleaning would throw small par-
ticles in all directions. These particles would be made of alumina and baking
soda, easily trapped in the gums if they haven’t healed.
He was beginning to take short walks, now, on the beach. His energy
was coming up.
Another four days later, October 3, he had painful spots here and there,
that moved from place to place; this is the hallmark of allergic reactions and
bacterial infections. He was drinking grapefruit juice exclusively and was
told to stop. Tapeworm stages and Ascaris were again Positive at the bile
ducts and gallbladder. He had reinfected again! Their toxic products were