Phosphorus 4.4 3.2 3.4 4.0
Iron 66 76 117 78
Sodium 138 139 141 140
Potassium 4.2 4.7 4.6 4.4
Chloride 99 99 102 100
triglycerides 125 90 183 188
cholesterol 183 212 320 318
PSA 1,250 98
prostate weight 50 gm 37 gm
51 George Hill Brain Cancer
George was a slender boy of 15 when he arrived with a brain tumor
about the size of a plum. At age 15 he missed his mother and sister at home
in Peru. But he had heard his doctor say, in front of him, to his parents: “If
we don’t do surgery, he will die. If we do surgery, if he survives, he will be
paralyzed from the waist down and his brain will be a vegetable. Neither
radiation nor chemotherapy will work.” He remembered each searing word.
He wanted none of these choices. So the surgeon implanted a shunt (plastic
tube) in his brain to drain off edema fluid and lower the pressure in the
brain—he had already lost significant vision in his left eye. The diagnosis
was cystic astrocytoma. His two MRIs, brought with him from home,
showed the tumor was slowly growing. It was part cyst, part cancerous, with
a long beak-shaped point reaching forward. Beside this was a completely
calcified pineal gland; it had turned into “stone” or calcium deposits and
appears black on the print.
He was here with his father. We started on his first day to search for the
toxins that came from their home so it could be made ready for George’s
return. His “whole body” test was Positive for lead, vanadium, aluminum,
thulium, formaldehyde, asbestos, isopropyl alcohol, benzene, zearalenone,
aflatoxin, and all five malonates. To account for the lead, he was asked to get
dust samples from each room at home. To explain the thulium, he was to get
his old vitamin C bottle from home. And their sugar was to be tested for as-
bestos. His plastic glasses frames seeped vanadium; he was to soak and wash
them, then re-test them. Other items were obvious; he had been living on
“semi-food” (crackers and sandwiches, fat-free munchies), instead of meats
and vegetables to avoid getting high cholesterol! All of which were laden
with mold that made zearalenone. It accumulated in his skin fat and brain,
there releasing benzene and phenol to lower the local immunity.
Our next search was at the brain, cerebrum. He was Positive for these
mutagens: 1,10-phenanthroline, betapropiolactone, benzanthracene, hy-
droxyurea, cycloheximide, vanadyl complexes, 20-methylcholanthrene, and
The tapeworm test showed five out of five types tested were Positive in
his brain. It was full of microscopic eggs and cysticercus stages. He was also