all be gone; his father hoped it was slightly smaller.
A month had passed. The CT showed that a small portion, perhaps the
tumor portion was missing, leaving the large cyst intact, like a small water
balloon, 24 x 26 mm in size.
He had slight pain at the front of his skull. We searched at bone to iden-
tify any lesion at his skull. Rabbit fluke and asbestos were Positive there.
Was he eating this accidentally? Yet, there were no rabbit flukes in his gall-
bladder; they must be emerging from the cyst. As was the asbestos. They had
lodged in his skull. We searched in the white blood cells of his skull; they
were ferritin-coated. This lowered immunity also allowed Streptococcus to
grow in his skull, causing pain. Clostridium was getting started, too. Inor-
ganic germanium was Positive, but “good” germanium was also Positive so
no p53 mutations were spotted. He was given colloidal silver, 3 Tbs. in one
dose daily to reach these far away Clostridium bacteria. But it was a sinister
development. Unless his own white blood cells could be mustered, we might
lose the battle. So George gulped papain (to digest the ferritin), MSM, and
powdered hydrangea.
At the next visit things were only worse; the thiourea to pyruvic alde-
hyde ratios were already quite disturbed. And nothing had cleared. In fact,
vanadium was now added to the list of toxins accumulating in his skull inte-
rior. I believed toxins were seeping out of the cyst to gain a foothold and
create a new tumor site in his skull. The ferritin was still not off his white
blood cells, it was too soon. We added Levamisole to speed it up (50 mg
Decaris, one a day).
A new crisis loomed. Their visas would be up and there was some
problem over renewal. They needed to find temporary work, too. I suggested
George enroll in school to keep his mind off gloom and doom. This idea
made him happy; he was eager to study again.
Two months passed. The (new) second CT scan showed a very small re-
duction of cyst size, but this
could be questioned due to the
angle of the shot. Yet, clearly it
was not growing. They could
report this to the oncologist at
home. Their doctor believed he
had stepped off a shelf into the
abyss (of quackery) when he
stated he was headed for Mex-
Suddenly he tested Positive
for rabbit fluke (which brings
with it Clostridium and Strepto-
coccus). His HCl drops were
missing in some of his solid
foods. He corrected this.
Oct 5 no definitive improvement