At each visit he was searched at the cerebrum. The plan was not to try to
open the cyst for fear of cataclysm, but to simply keep the supplement pro-
tection in place to kill and detoxify everything as it slowly emerged. Fiber-
glass and freon emerged in large amounts; silicone and more asbestos
emerged. George used to spray silicone on his glasses without taking them
off first, he said, just to clean them. And more and more vanadium. They
were warned never to have a fossil fuel utility again (emits vanadium).
The papain was giving him stomach aches so he was switched to bro-
Now three months had passed. George’s WBC had dropped to 3.5, sug-
gesting that some of the emerging toxins were going to the bone marrow.
There was rabbit fluke again in hrs cerebrum and ferritin still coated his
white blood cells there. Would the asbestos outflow never stop? Yet we
dared not speed it up.
Finally, impatience struck. George and his father went to a UCLA radi-
ologist to review all their scans. Five “cysts” were noted in the optic nerve;
the diagnosis was cysticercosis. He was offered the newest tapeworm treat-
ment and warned he could become a vegetable, but it would be done in the
hospital under critical care observation. They chose to be patient again. Then
we checked the optic nerve location; both Taenia solium and Taenia sagi-
nata stages were present. Four additional tapeworm stages were present at
his retina. I doubled his bromelain, MSM, and powdered hydrangea to 1 tsp.
3 times a day to bolster our containment strategy. Freeze dried black walnut
was increased to 3 taken three times a day. (He later told me he was actually
taking more.)
The very next day the ferritin-coating came off the cerebrum white
blood cells.
And in another day all the tapeworm stages were gone, as well as Clos-
tridium and Streptococcus from the skull location.
But the pineal gland white blood cells were still ferritin-coated and the
gland was full of asbestos, silicone, and azo dyes. We felt relief to know we
would be getting the assistance of George’s own immune system at last. To
reassure George, we tested his optic nerve for our entire tapeworm collec-
tion: only one was still Positive—a composite Taenia egg collection. It was
also Positive at his optic chiasma. Did we dare hope that his vision would
some day return? We searched for the toxic team that had so recently left his
cerebrum and pineal gland. It was at the spleen. But the spleen white blood
cells were loaded up with them, obviously eating and expelling them. So
perhaps all would be well.
George was now testing himself regularly and could predict what I
would find at his office visit. He could shape his own research. He was a
scientist at age 15, coming on 16. His birthday arrived, but no suspect food
passed his lips. He could still hear his doctor’s words, “You will die.” And
his success with us was far from assured. The spleen proved difficult to