would save him. Coxsackie viruses were coursing about, but were found in
the white blood cells, too, protecting him.
Days later at the globus, hydroxyurea (from some distant Ascaris eggs)
was still Positive. We searched for them at many body organs, finding them
at last in the bile ducts. Only gallstones could easily explain this; he must
have the eggs in his gallstones, forever seeding his brain and cyst with them.
He was instructed to do a liver cleanse—his fifth one, and the day after the
cleanse to take 3 freeze-dried black walnut capsules four times a day to
stamp them out.
But two days after his cleanse he still had Ascaris eggs in liver, gall-
bladder, and bile ducts. He was raised to 6 freeze-dried capsules three times
a day for 3 days in a row. Surely that would snuff them out, even inside his
stones. (Actually, stones can be much too hard for anything to penetrate
them.) He must do weekly liver cleanses till the bile ducts came clean.
It was February 19, the date for his sixth CT scan, and a day he will re-
member. It showed a huge reduction in tumor-cyst size—to less than half its
previous dimensions. But he
did not allow himself to
believe the good news. It
had all happened in the last
30 days. Was it due, finally,
to the presence of pancre-
atin? Which enzyme in the
pancreatin was responsible:
trypsin, chymotrypsin, li-
pase, amylase, DNAse,
RNAse, peroxidase?
A spot could still be
found in his globus pallidus
that harbored acrolein, a fat
derivative similar to burnt
grease and very carcino-
genic by scientific stan-
dards. Was this not being
digested? Of all the pancre-
atic enzymes seen there by Syncrometer, only lipase was still missing, and
also missing in our supplement of pancreatin. Lipase digests fat, but could it
digest acrolein? We supplemented it separately (¼ tsp. three times a day) and
raised his pancreatin to 2 tsp. three times a day. His daily supplements had
been: vitamin B 2 : 20 capsules (6 gm) to detoxify emerging dyes and ben-
zene, Levamisole (50 mg three times a day) to prevent ferritin-coating as
asbestos emerged and to help kill Ascaris; EDTA (^1 / 8 tsp. in a cup of hot
water) to chelate lead and other heavy metals as they emerged; freeze-dried
Feb 19 reduced by half