A. No, except vitamin C. I take ¼ tsp. powdered vitamin C in my water
at meal time, not too much, just enough to give it a taste. (Her forthright,
precise answers surprised me.)
Q. Are you on any medicine? Weren’t you on heart medicine long ago?
A. Oh heavens, NO. I’m not taking any medicine.
Q. May I take your pulse, then? (It was a perfectly regular 72.) Why are
you so healthy now? What’s your secret?
A. I don’t have any secret. Except that I zap every day. I haven’t missed
more than five days since I came to see you.
Then we left the restaurant to meet at the office. There I did some Syn-
crometer testing. I searched for all the amino acids in her brain, since she
seemed so young in attitude. (As organs begin to fail in our bodies, they have
fewer amino acids.) Twenty-two amino acids Positive at brain. This was
most unusual. And without a supplement! NAD and NADP both Positive at
brain (good). NADH and NADPH both Negative at brain (good).
She was oxidizing extraordinarily well at the brain. No hint of a respira-
tion block such as begins to affect us as we age. She had indeed been on a
shark cartilage supplement for one and a half years. She had been on rhodi-
zonic vials for at least half a year. But this was all in the past. Did this have a
long lasting effect?
I tested further. Rhodizonic acid Positive at cerebrum (brain); she was
making her own, normally. Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) Positive at cerebrum.
Coenzyme Q10 Positive at cerebrum. Without taking these as supplements,
she had these oxidizers in her tissue! I tested for phenol—our nemesis of
aging. There was none at the brain, but it was Positive at her joints. She had
no pockets of streptococcus bacteria throughout her body to make phenol:
only in her joints were they Positive. Without phenol, she would not oxidize
her vitamin C into the “aging” causers, threose, xylose, lyxose. I tested her
state of reduction at the brain.
L-ascorbic acid Positive
dehydroascorbic acid (oxidized) Negative
glutathione Positive
glutathione (oxidized) Negative
ferrous gluconate Positive
ferric phosphate (oxidized) Negative
iron sulfide FeS Positive
iron sulfide FeS 2 (oxidized) Negative
L-threose Negative
D-threose Negative
L-xylose Negative
D-xylose Negative
L-lyxose Negative
L-cysteine Positive
L-cystine (oxidized) Negative
She was not over-oxidized! Was she not aging at all? In fact, getting
younger somehow? But she had no magic answers for my questions. Finally,
in frustration, I asked Katherine, “Well, what are you eating? What do you
eat over and over, nearly daily?” “Chicken soup,” she said. And there was
the magic. Surely she was benefiting from this diet the way our patients
benefit from the chicken broth that is part of their 21 Day Program. Some
factor, perhaps RNAse inhibitor, perhaps not, was allowing her to have all