perfect leaves, near the top, and also the growing tip. Two
leaves, a growing tip, and a flower give you four specimens.
Five plants give you the handful you need. Sterilize in plastic
bowl with Lugol’s or HCl-water, stirring well to open any air
pockets. Place in blender. Add water. Blend. Add cherry con-
centrate and B 2 and blend again. Add 2 drops HCl and drink at
Variations: add a capsule of ginger or turmeric for flavor.
Raw Liver Cocktail
Especially for liver improvement.
¼ slice raw beef liver (about 2” x 2”) freshly purc 1 hased
/ 16 tsp. pure salt
Blend with ½ cup water. Strain. Add 4 drops HCl. Drink at
once. Additions:
- An equal volume of cherry concentrate.
- 2 tbs. vinegar.
- 2 drops wintergreen oil.
- Raw garlic juice.
White Iodine
88 gm potassium iodide, granular
Add potassium iodide to one quart or one liter cold tap wa-
ter. Potassium iodide dissolves well in water and stays clear; for
this reason it is called “white iodine.” Label clearly and keep
out of reach of children. Do not use if allergic to iodine.
Lugol’s Iodine Solution
It is too dangerous to buy a commercially prepared solution
for your internal use. It is certain to be polluted with isopropyl
alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask your pharma-