For many of us, the rectum has ballooned out into a pocket
due to past times of constipation. This is called a diverticulum.
It is just a few inches from the anus so it is quite accessible by
The diverticulum walls are weak due to constant over-
stretching. But in just a few weeks of daily cleansing, the pocket
will shrink and may even disappear. As soon as the 21 Day Pro-
gram is completed and if natural evacuation is possible, stop
taking enemas: Hemorrhoids can be made worse by them.
To avoid hemorrhoids, do not strain and always cleanse
your bottom with wet paper, not dry paper. Wet a bolus of paper
with hot water. Apply a dab of cornstarch lubricant before wip-
ing. Wipe at least 6 times. At last wipe, push hemorrhoid back
inside. If hemorrhoid is large, use a gloved finger (cut fingers
off thin plastic gloves; wear one at a time on middle finger, lu-
bricate with cornstarch; push hemorrhoid as far in as possible).
If hemorrhoids are internal, use suppositories (page 550). To
relieve pain apply honey.
Lugol’s Enema
(Not for persons who are allergic to iodine.) Add ½ tsp. of
Lugol’s iodine to 1 pint of very warm water; pour into cup-size
FleetTM bottle (giving yourself 2 doses), or enema apparatus.
Administer enema slowly and hold internally as long as possi-
Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Enema..............................
Add 1 tsp. of green black walnut hull extra strength tincture
to 1 pint very warm water. Repeat as above.
Plain Enema
If you have none of the other solutions available, use plain
salt water, 1 tsp. per quart. In the absence of salt, use plain wa-