sensation; also, the outer layers of skin may rub or peel off. This
is exactly the effect desired for your skin cancers. But you may
slow down the action by treating less often if desired.
Caution: continuous use of this dosage of vitamin A will
cause hypervitaminosis A (rash, headache, redness, itching,
flaky skin). Weigh this disadvantage against any gains you are
seeing. One method might be after six days, rest for six days to
let symptoms abate, then repeat.
For tumors under the skin but close enough to the surface
to be felt, like breast or armpit lumps, you still have a good
chance to reach them with this topical tumor shrinker. You will
need to make a larger batch.
Apply the mixture to the skin surface with your finger. Tape
over tightly and securely. Use an ACE bandage or athletic bra to
keep it in place. Do not wear a regular bra or tight clothing over
it. For larger areas, use:
1 tsp. vitamin A (1.5 M U/gm)
1 tsp. DMSO
1 tsp. wintergreen oil
1 capsule vitamin B 2 (300 mg)
1 capsule freeze dried green black walnut hull (see Sources)
Place all ingredients in a small glass jar, shake or stir with
finger. After applying, place a plastic sheet over the area and
tape down securely at edges (the corner of a plastic bag is suit-
able for the breast). Do not remove to shower. After three days,
peel open at top edge to add more salve or replace entirely.
Read caution above regarding hypervitaminosis A.
For Oozing Tumors
When skin is broken, there is danger of infection. You may
use Lugol’s iodine or dental bleach to disinfect. Other disinfec-
tants are not strong enough. Use a square of toilet paper. Place