after thorough washing, and in bottles of oil, many canned
vegetables, and your dinner.
Compare the effectiveness of plain washing, HCl-soak,
cysteine-salt soak and iodine in treatment of vegetables. Use
one drop Lugol’s iodine in a quart of soak water. Retest after
one minute. Soak raw foods in solution of ¼ teaspoon cysteine
powder plus ¼ tsp. salt in one quart of water for five minutes.
Soak other raw foods in HCl-water (1 drop per cup water). Treat
oil, canned goods, and your dinner with HCl drops.
Try to sanitize the carpet and clear the dust of Ascaris eggs.
Use povidone iodine in the water while shampooing the carpet.
(Test carpet for staining first). Sample carpet dust again, later.
Note that cysteine sterilization alone does not kill
Toxoplasma or Leishmania. These are also present in dirt. To
kill these, table salt must be added to the cysteine soak. Lugol’s
solution kills all, as does HCl-water.
Exp. 2 Finding Tumors
Purpose: To find a growing tumor.
Materials: DNA, ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Sigma), Clos-
tridium tetani, Clostridium botulinum , Clostridium sporogenes,
Clostridium septicum , Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium
acetobutylicum (Wards), a set of tissue slides like adipose tissue
human sec, bone dry ground human CS, colon human sec, hu-
man kidney sec, human skin white v.s., liver human sec, mam-
mary gland inactive human sec, prostate young human sec, red
bone marrow human smear, thyroid gland human sec, tongue
general structure sec, tooth in situ ls, urinary bladder collapsed
human sec (Wards), spleen human sec, testis human fetus
(Carolina Biological), ovary sec (Southern Biological), white
blood cells (home made, see The Cure For All Cancers).
Methods: Search in all your organs for the presence of
Although DNA is present in all cells with a nucleus, it is in
the free state (like the test sample) during cell division. DNA