
(pavlina) #1

tinue testing until it goes OFF. Repeat for bax. They should be
ON for 30 seconds out of each minute, in perfect alternation.
Find your time ratio. Find an organ that does not show the pres-
ence of p53 mutations. Repeat all tests. Is the ratio correct now?
Conclusion: vanadyl complexes cause p53 mutations, but
can be corrected by cleaning up the environment. P53 mutations
cause bcl-2/bax imbalances, but these, too, can be easily recti-

Exp. 4 Effects Of Isopropyl Alcohol

Purpose: to find metabolic effects of isopropyl alcohol.
Materials: 5,6-isopropylidene L ascorbic acid, 2’,3’-o-
isopropylidene guanosine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene cytidine,
2’,3’-o-isopropylidene adenosine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene
inosine, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (Sigma), acetone,
isopropyl alcohol (Spectrum).
Methods: search for these compounds in your tissues. They
should not be present. Repeat for a person who has just eaten a
“fast-food” item and is positive for isopropyl alcohol.
Conclusion: we have been taught that isopropyl alcohol is
detoxified by the body to acetone. No doubt you will find this
also. But before that happens isopropyl alcohol will do other
damage! In just a few minutes after accidentally eating a trace
of this antiseptic in food or beverages you can see some of the
new, potentially harmful, compounds.
5,6-isopropylidene-L ascorbate is formed almost instantly. I
suppose you could regard this as a good thing, that our valiant
vitamin C can also help out to detoxify isopropyl alcohol, but
should we be using up our precious vitamin in this way? Would
this not give us a novel kind of scurvy in spite of taking large
amounts of vitamin C as a supplement? Consider, also, the pos-
sible toxicity of this new compound.
I also detect isopropyl alcohol / nucleoside combinations,
i.e. 2’,3’-o isopropylidene guanosine, 2’,3’-o isopropylidene
cytidine, 2’,3’-o isopropylidene adenosine, 2’,3’-o isopropylid-

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