
(pavlina) #1

½ cup water. Immediately search for ascorbate, dehydroascor-
bate and rhodizonate again. Continue testing for 5 minutes.
Conclusion: ascorbate and rhodizonate both appear simul-
taneously, while inositol soon disappears. Dehydroascorbate
stays Negative the whole time, so it’s safe to say that the ascor-
bate was not derived from it.

Exp. 8 Finding Azo Dyes

Purpose: to identify azo dyes in your body, clothing, food
and common bleach, and observe their association with “bad”
(non-organic) germanium.
Materials: germanium and thulium atomic absorption stan-
dards (Spectrum), a set of azo dyes including Sudan IV (“scarlet
red,” color index [CI] 26105, CAS 85-83-6, Sigma #S-8756 or
Spectrum #SU120), p-dimethylaminoazobenzene (“DAB” or
“butter yellow” CI 11020, CAS 60-11-7, Sigma #D-6760), Su-
dan Black B (practical grade, CI 26150, CAS 4197-25-5, Sigma
#S-2380), Fast Green FCF (C.I. 42053; Food Green 3), pure so-
dium hypochlorite (bleach) (Spectrum), regular bleach from
grocery store, tissue samples used in Experiment 2.
Methods: search for the presence of each dye in spleen,
liver, kidneys, pineal gland, bone marrow, your handicapped
organs, and then in the adipose (fatty) portion of these by plac-
ing the adipose slide on the same test plate. Also search for
“bad” germanium. Next search for these dyes in new clothing
before and after washing in borax. Repeat washing of clothing,
using bleach,^1 / 8 cup per load, and test again for dyes.
Search for azo dyes in your two bleaches. The laboratory
hypochlorite should have none, the grocery store brand may
have several. Now search for azo dyes and laboratory bleach in
food, especially dairy products.
Conclusion: highly carcinogenic azo dyes are in our new
clothing, food, and household bleach. Dyes can generally be
washed out, but DAB sticks tightly to clothing even after
washing. However, washing in bleach, even bleach that contains

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