
(pavlina) #1

dyes, gets DAB out! In food, numerous dyes appear together (or
are absent together) suggesting they were not added individu-
ally. Foods containing azo dyes also test Positive for pure so-
dium hypochlorite. Foods that are Negative for dyes, also are
Negative for hypochlorite. Could regular household bleach,
used in manufacturing to sterilize things, be the source of wide-
spread pollution with azo dyes? But Fast Green is associated
with lanthanide metals such as thulium. Search for these on cit-
rus and other fruit.
Once azo dyes are in our body, you always find “bad” ger-
manium in the same place. Are azo dyes responsible for oxi-
dizing “good” germanium to “bad” germanium?

Exp. 9 Freeing WBCs

Purpose: to observe the behavior of white blood cells
(WBCs) in an organ containing asbestos, silicon, or “fried food”
Materials: toothpaste, corn oil or canola oil (grocery store),
asbestos (water outlet gasket for car engine, automotive store;
place a chip in small glass bottle, cover with water), silicon,
acrylic acid (Spectrum), ferritin (horse spleen, Calbiochem),
tissue samples used in Experiment 2.
Methods: search for asbestos in your tissues. Then search
for asbestos in the tissue WBCs by placing the WBC slide on
the same test plate. Be sure to include kidney and bladder tis-
sues. If it is present in these excretory organs, we could con-
clude asbestos is being actively excreted. A further test of ex-
cretion would be searching in urine for the presence of asbestos
(remember to dilute with water).
Next, search for ferritin in the WBCs of asbestos-containing
tissues and in tissues that do not have asbestos. Normal tissues
have WBCs that do not show ferritin to be present continuously.
But asbestos-containing tissues have WBCs that do show fer-
ritin to be present continuously. According to scientific reports,

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