where oxygen does not enter because circulation is bad (tetanus
is caused by Clostridium tetani). If oxygen suddenly appears,
they quickly make capsules around themselves, like heavy ar-
mor, to survive until it becomes anaerobic again.
Clostridium Colonies
We are aerobic beings. All of our cells need and use oxy-
gen. We do not have an organ or a location that is naturally
oxygen-free. But we do have a location—in the colon—that is
low in oxygen and could be made oxygen-free artificially. Other
bacteria, in very large numbers, could use up the oxygen so
Clostridium species could live there, too. But it would be a pre-
carious existence. The colon would frequently need new sup-
plies of Clostridium to reinforce the colony there. That is what
actually happens.
The presence of clostridium bacteria in our intestines has
been considered normal by scientists. Yet, I did not detect them
in young children.^57 Instead they had bifidus bacteria, which
adults did not have. Evidently at some time while growing up,
the Bifidus disappear and Clostridium takes over. Several Mexi-
can persons who were tested also did not harbor Clostridium.
Yet, all American persons, even when well, harbored Clostrid-
ium in the intestinal tract. But only in the colon, not higher up.
Cancer patients, though, harbor Clostridium throughout the
intestine, reaching all the way to the stomach! They harbor a
seething mass of Clostridium bacteria.
The cancerous organ, even as far away as the brain or eye,
has been invaded by Clostridium , too. In very advanced cancer,
the entire body is invaded. The Syncrometer detects Clostridium
(and extra DNA) in dozens of tissues. They are probably able to
circulate freely, now, even in the blood stream.
It would probably be advantageous for the patient to receive
hyperbaric oxygen therapy for an hour each day for a week; this
would reoxygenate the tissues the fastest, and kill most of the
(^57) This is based on four children, ages nine, six, four, and two. Two samples of
intestinal contents were tested by Syncrometer for each child.