To kill Clostridium , you need to:
- Get rid of the source. Use the Parasite Killing Program in
the next section to eradicate the rabbit fluke. - Get rid of colonies in the colon. Take betaine and hydro-
chloric acid. - Get rid of colonies in the teeth. We discuss this in the Dental
Work chapter.
Kill All Parasites
We will fight parasites in many ways. With herbs, with
electricity, with ozonated oil, with cysteine (an amino acid), and
with hydrochloric acid. Getting rid of parasites would be abso-
lutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one
or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you
quite ill. Flagyl is used for amoebas and Giardia; when the cor-
rect dosage is used, it can cause extreme nausea and vomiting.
Imagine taking ten such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites!
Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you.
Herbal Parasite Program
Three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And
without so much as a headache! Without any interference with
any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic?
Just too good to be true? They are nature’s gift to us. The herbs
- Black Walnut Hulls (only when they are green )
- Wormwood
- Cloves (only freshly ground)
In The Cure For All Cancers I give instructions for making
your own (green) black walnut hull tincture extra strength, and