grinding your own cloves. But in this book I expect you do not
have time to do that. Reliable sources for ordering these (and
other) products are given in the Sources chapter, page 589.
How much to take, and how often is summarized in the 21
Day Cancer Curing Program chapter. But here are some im-
portant points.
We have seen persons who were bedridden get out of bed
within a week after taking ten teaspoons daily. Perhaps in these
cases the tumors themselves were releasing the parasites in
large numbers.
If you are incapacitated or bedridden, pencil in a higher dose
for yourself in the 21 Day Program on page 179.
The tincture can be diluted in water and sweetened or
Don’t spread the dose out longer than one half hour.
If swallowing is difficult or even repulsive, spoon it down
carefully; do not gulp it, to avoid nausea. You may also add two
drops of peppermint oil (see Sources) to block nausea. Stay
seated, to avoid dizziness. Do not drive a car afterward in case
you do feel dizzy or nauseated. Eating 10 minutes afterwards
can help. So can going straight to bed.
You should help your liver detoxify the alcohol in the tinc-
ture by taking niacinamide, 500 mg, each time you take a dose
of tincture.
Take the wormwood and clove capsules one at a time, care-
fully. Have bread within reach in case a capsule sticks or nausea
is felt. Eat bread if there is any discomfort afterward. Allergic
reactions are very, very rare, but if you are susceptible to aller-
gies, keep your medicine nearby.
How often should you repeat the parasite program? Daily,
until your tumors are gone. This is because your tumors shelter
parasites (along with Clostridium , dyes, and other toxins). As
your tumors drain, parasites emerge, and must be killed. If you
have liver disease, making the alcohol prohibitive, or if there is