oil did not oxidize vitamin C, nor cysteine or glutathione, nor
ferrous iron. Fortunately the dose is small (one tablespoon), so
unknown risks are small. Yet it is advisable to take vitamin E
(see Sources), a known anti-oxidant, after taking ozonated oil.
Give the oil five hours to do its work, first.
Ozonated oil is not generally available in health food stores,
and even if it were, it may have a short shelf life. I have not re-
searched the effectiveness of ozonated olive oil kept at room
temperature for more than a day, or refrigerated for longer than
a week, or in the freezer for more than a month. So it’s best to
make your own, and make it fresh.
You can easily make your own ozonated oil. Purchase an
ozonator (see Sources) and a bottle of olive oil. Add a pinch of
vitamin B 2 and 4 drops HCl (5%) per cup to the oil and shake to
destroy any benzene and to kill Ascaris eggs. Attach an aerator
to the end of your ozonator hose and drop it to the bottom of the
olive oil. Aerators are available at any pet store; if possible
choose ceramic or wood. If the bubbles make the oil flow over
the top, pour more of it off. Turn the ozonator on before drop-
ping the hose in the bottle. Ozonate for 25 minutes (not longer).
When done, cap the bottle and store in freezer till you are ready
to use it. It melts quickly when needed. If it has aged more than
a month, make a fresh supply.
Ozonators can cost from $200.00 to $700.00. So you may be
tempted to skip the one tablespoon of ozonated olive oil that is
required. Don’t! It is an essential part of your recovery! You
may need more ozonated oil in the future, and also ozonated
water. An ozonator is a good investment.
Ozonated oil can be mixed with vegetables or a casserole
dish. Remember, it should be taken at least five hours after
cysteine to avoid clashing with it.
Now parasites, particularly Fasciolopsis , As-
caris , tapeworm larvae, and rabbit fluke, are