After taking the herbal parasite program, later in the same
day, begin the mop-up program. This is to kill escaped viruses
and the eggs still trapped inside dead parasites.
The mop-up program consists of cysteine and ozonated oil.
The dosages are given in Day 1 of the 21 Day Program. Because
your own tumors will be reinfecting you, you need to mop up
daily as well as kill parasites until tumors have shrunk.
Because cysteine is a reducer and ozonated oil an oxidizer,
they must not be taken together to retain effectiveness.
The cysteine and ozonated oil will be very good for you in
other ways, too. Cysteine gives you reducing power and pre-
cious sulfur. Ozonated oil gives you oxidizing power that
reaches into distant places like bile ducts. Since they have oppo-
site actions, they must be kept apart for at least five hours.
You may sometimes experience minor side effects from
taking cysteine. Fatigue and nausea are the most common.
Tearing eyes and dripping nose are common too. Dizziness may
occur. All this is avoided, though, just by eating. Have bread
handy or wait till mealtime to take your dose of cysteine. Side
effects lessen with each dose taken and wear off in an hour.
A strong and beneficial diuretic effect may also be noticed.
The cysteine should be the L variety, like “l-cysteine”, not
“d-cysteine” which is unnatural. It may be “cysteine hydrochlo-
ride” or simply free “cysteine.” But not “cystine”; that is a dif-
ferent amino acid.
Ozonated Oil
Ozone has molecules made of three atoms of oxygen stuck
together. Oxygen in the air consists of just two atoms stuck to-
gether. The extra oxygen atom is easily released, making ozone
a good oxidizer.
Ozonated oil gives you no noticeable side effects, but it
should not be taken more than necessary. One could expect the
extra oxygen to jump across from oil molecules to your fat
molecules, aging them too soon. In my experiments ozonated