Most important now is not reinfecting.
Stay Clean
In all cases, where I have seen that a cancer victim did not
get good results after using the parasite program and zapper de-
scribed in The Cure For All Cancers, I found remaining para-
sites! Was the program ineffective? Or did the person get rein-
fected? I find when the program is administered again, it is ef-
fective. So I conclude that the biggest problem for a cancer suf-
ferer is the ease with which they can become reinfected from
food and their own tumors!
The sources of reinfection with Ascaris, tapeworm, and rab-
bit fluke eggs are so pervasive, you may reinfect faster than you
can eliminate them! A glass of milk, a cheese sandwich or a
green salad will reinfect you in five minutes if they are not ster-
ilized first. Cancer victims have no ability to kill these para-
sites—their immune powers are gone!
A person without cancer can eliminate them. There are no
“safety islands” in them, namely tumors. And stomach acid kills
them or the immune system takes over for them.
For a cancer patient, swallowing a few Ascaris eggs is
equivalent to swallowing a few cholera bacteria or the ebola vi-
rus. Even a few will be disastrous unless killed.
Where would you find Ascaris, tapeworm and rabbit fluke
eggs? On your vegetables! And in your dairy products!
Agribusiness uses, and must use fertilizer. Fertilizer is cow,
pig, and horse manure. All animals have parasites. The eggs
pass with the manure. Manure does not simply wash off lettuce
and strawberries as you “clean” them under the kitchen faucet.
They stick tightly to the cabbage (even inner leaves), beans, and