spinach that have been splashed with manure or are simply
dusty with dirt that has manure in it!^58
The other source of reinfection with Ascaris is a pet. All
pets have Ascaris. The carpet has Ascaris eggs trapped between
the fibers. They fly up with the dust that settles everyday on the
table and dishes. In the bedroom you inhale them all night.
Remove the bedroom carpet, get a new mattress, dry clean
the blankets and small rugs (laundering does not kill Ascaris
eggs). Sterilize other carpets with a special stain-free iodine so-
lution added to the carpet shampoo mixture (see Recipes). Give
away your pet until you have recovered.
Cleaner Cooking
You can not change the way milk and produce are handled
or grown. But you can protect yourself. You must kill parasites
yourself, or peel the produce, or refrain from eating it.
There are two ways to kill rabbit fluke: chemicals or heat.
Sanitizing your unpeeled vegetables and fruit is quite easy.
You can use Lugol’s iodine or hydrochloric acid (HCl). Do not
use chlorine bleach. It is a good disinfectant, but supermarket
bleach is itself polluted with heavy metals, solvents and dyes;
besides, you would get too much chlorine.
A one minute dip in very dilute Lugol’s solution or hydro-
chloric acid kills everything it reaches. But they do not reach
into crevices without a lot of agitation. Sanitized foods keep
much longer. Specific instructions are in Recipes, on page 533.
Our traditional methods of food preparation have never tried
to make food sterile. Even cooked and baked food is not sterile.
Some pathogens require higher temperatures to be killed. That
is why hospitals heat surgical instruments to 250°F in a special
pressurized oven called an autoclave instead of simply boiling
at 212°F.
(^58) For an interesting report by the FDA, see Rude, R.A., et. al., Survey of Fresh
Vegetables for Nematodes, Amoebae, and Salmonella, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.,
v. 67, no. 3, 1984, pp. 613-15. Nematodes include Ascaris.