Once you make progress killing streptococcus, you must hold
onto those gains. The underlying reason for having streptococ-
cus colonies must be found. It is often due to the presence of
asbestos or lanthanide metals, namely, local lack of immune
I believe our major source of asbestos is food that has rolled
along old asbestos-containing conveyor belts. Sticky foods like
sugar pick it up and spread it to all sweetened foods in the mar-
ketplace. Wherever a minuscule tuft of asbestos lands in your
body, there is a location of low immunity because the local
white blood cells (our immune “soldiers”) become coated with
ferritin. (See page 30.) Streptococcus can then grow unchal-
Lanthanide metals ride along with fruit and vegetable dyes
used to intensify their color, and with pesticide. The most pol-
luted dye, Fast Green (also called Food Green 3), penetrates en-
tire bananas, grapefruit, eggplants, etc., bringing you thulium,
lanthanum, gadolinium in large quantities.
Streptococcus infects us by riding along with the common
parasite, rabbit fluke, in the same way as Clostridium. This
fluke is smaller than a pinhead and the eggs are everywhere in
dirt. We have been taught since primeval times to wash our food
for the very purpose of removing dirt—even dust. We wash our
hands for the same reason. And plain washing does get off most
of it. But tiny amounts remain. The small amount that is stuck
in crevices or remains glued to the food we eat is important to
us now, although it does not make ordinary people sick or feel
pain. Unfortunately as we age, we lose the very hydrochloric
acid that can kill this parasite and its bacteria in our stomachs.
In this way our immunity sinks and we acquire more and more
colonies of streptococcus—and more and more aches and pains.
A new-born baby is very susceptible too, due to immature im-
munity and is fed only sterilized food for its safety. The cancer
patient is most susceptible of all, and with every mouthful of
non-sterile food, receives another dose of rabbit fluke.
Streptococcus does not have special needs, such as Clostrid-
ium does—it colonizes wherever there is the slightest opportu-