nity: in traumatized joints, in organs with asbestos lodged in
them, in ears after infections, in hearts that are parasitized, and
in tumorous organs.
As soon as you stop reinfecting with rabbit fluke, and zap
your streptococcus, or kill them with the items mentioned, pain
will stop, whether it is in the bones, abdomen, chest or head, or
any other location. Soon your body is cleared of them except for
those that are marooned in your tumors. After the tumors are
drained and shrunk, all pain stays away until you reinfect. If you
are in pain, this is the most compelling reason to sterilize your
food as you would for a baby. (See Food Rules, page 520.)
Who Comes To Dinner?
The Syncrometer detects many other varieties of bacteria,
too, at a tumor site or a location of pain, but these are more eas-
ily banished. Many are common food bacteria:
Shigella sonnei, food origin
Shigella flexneri, food origin
Shigella dysenteriae , food origin
Salmonella paratyphi, food origin
Salmonella typhimurium , food origin
Salmonella enteriditis, food origin
E. coli, food origin
Staphylococcus aureus, dental origin
Rhizobium meliloti, food origin
Rhizobium leguminosarum , only with Ascaris
Lactobacillus casei, food origin
Lactobacillus acidophilus, food origin
Streptomyces griseus, only with tapeworm larvae
Streptomyces albus, only with tapeworm larvae
Streptomyces venezuelae, only with tapeworm larvae
Mycobacterium avium/cellulare , only with Ascaris