The second panoramic, although poor quality, shows a large
cavitation at the lower right. One or two teeth extracted there
long ago left a large hole with infection (dark area) along the
sides. Thorough cleaning will allow it to fill in with bone again
and stop the chronic illnesses this patient suffered from.
At the upper right, a solitary tooth is sitting in a bed of in-
fection. The dark black areas are metal. Syncrometer tests of
this patient showed that the tooth bacteria, Staphylococcus and
Clostridium , were both traveling to the breast. Staph was pro-
ducing growth factors and Clostridium was turning RNA into
DNA to spur the tumor there.
If you notice a suspicious tooth or location, but can’t quite
make a determination, repeat the x-ray at the tooth location ; it is
called a periapical X-ray. But not the regular kind. Newer
digital X-ray equipment is much superior. Compare these digital
X-ray frames with your panoramic.