Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

ence with digestion. He was immediately better and did not need to
come back.

Billy Henry, a 9-year-old boy, had diarrhea daily and stomach aches.
He also wet the bed. There was an indoor pet dog and a bird.
Electronic testing showed he had two kinds of Ascaris and pin-
worms. His young body also had a buildup of benzene, moth balls
and carbon tetrachloride that he was eating, drinking, and
breathing. His bed wetting stopped after killing parasites with the
herbal program. His other problems recurred until he was older
and could stop licking his fingers when eating.

Tom Ochs, age 36, had chronic stomach problems, alternating consti-
pation and diarrhea, was labeled “lactose intolerant” after an
elaborate test, and finally had been diagnosed with irritable bowel
syndrome. Actually, he had Ascaris, besides other smaller para-
sites. He was also toxic with cesium from drinking beverages out of
clear plastic bottles. This frequently causes depression and he was
happy to understand his mood changes. After changing to purer
food and products and killing his parasites, he did not need to
come back. Five months later he was able to drink all the milk he
wanted, no longer had sinus problems and lost his IBS.

Rex Callahan, age 5, had dark circles under his eyes, numerous ear
infections until tonsils were removed and tubes put in, and many
strep throat infections. Clinically, he was found allergic to dust
mites, pollens, and animal dander. His skin got “rashy” if he drank
too much fruit juice. He had frequent diarrhea. We found he had
Ascaris parasites. They were not difficult to clear and he was soon
a new person.

David Falls, age 52, had stomach pain and numerous health problems
stemming, no doubt, from his diagnosed Crohn's disease. He be-
came allergic to the sulfa drugs commonly used in this disease.
We found he had sheep liver flukes and all their developmental
stages in his blood and intestine. He was put on the herbal parasite
program which he found difficult to follow. Nevertheless, in three
months his bowel was nearly normal and the pain in his intestine
much less.

Edward Marsili age 7, had bouts of stomach pain. He had intestinal
flukes and a build-up of benzene in his body. This would seriously
lower his immunity and ability to fight off tiny parasites. He was

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