Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

The other pollutant associated with MS is mercury from
dental metal. The mercury that is constantly released in the mouth
does not all get excreted by the kidneys or eliminated by the
bowels. Some of it travels up to the brain and gets into the spinal
cord as well. You will be able to eliminate and excrete more
mercury by doing a kidney and liver cleanse. The mercury may
itself be polluted with thallium which is even more toxic. For
this reason mercury removal should be done extra thoroughly to
be sure no thallium has been left behind.
If you are concerned about MS-like symptoms, purchase
slides of the brain regions, cerebrum, and cerebellum. Or pur-
chase pork brains at the grocery store and snip out a portion of
the sensory lobe and cerebellum. Prepare these as test substances
(sterilize your hands afterward). Test your daily foods and body
products for their presence in these brain areas. Also test for
parasites, bacteria (especially Nocardia and Shigella) and other
pollutants such as arsenic and pesticides. If the disease (tremor
and lack of sensation) has not progressed too far, you can cure it.
In all cases you can stop it from progressing further by cleaning
up dentalware, the environment and diet.

Brandi Rainey, age 34, of Amish religious culture, was diagnosed with
MS four months earlier after an MRI confirmed it although she had
symptoms for many years. She was told she had inherited a gene
for it and that Amish folk are particularly susceptible to MS for
reasons of inbreeding. She had a constant pain running down the
side of her neck, and headache. Her legs were getting too heavy
to get up stairs. Our tests showed her brain was full of scandium
(tooth metal alloy) and fluoride (toothpaste). Her vision was getting
worse; her eyes were full of wood alcohol. She lost no time in
getting dentures: there were no teeth that could be saved. She had
several bacteria growing in her jaw bone: Strep G (sore throat
bacteria), Staphylococcus aureus (this was raising her pulse to
over 100), Clostridium tetani (causes great stiffness), and Shigella
(produces nerve toxins). She killed these with a frequency gen-
erator. Five weeks later the pain and stiffness in her neck were
gone, her pulse was down to 100, her periods were free of pain

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