dryer belt or hair blower; lead from tainted drinking water. Do a
good clean up of your environment.
Solvents accumulate here, too. Especially toluene and xy-
lene. These are found in paint (persons with seizures should
never be around fresh paint) but are also found in trace amounts
in carbonated beverages. A person with seizures should drink no
commercial beverages: see the Recipe section for homemade
carbonated and other beverages. There are several other specific
brain irritants that accumulate at the seizure center.
The food fungus, ergot, is always seen in seizure cases. Per-
haps it can act alone to produce seizures. After all, seizures are
an ancient malady, existing long before chemicals and solvents
were manufactured.
MSG, which is monosodium glutamate should never be used
in food. It was already banned in infant food in Europe a decade
ago. Why are we still allowing it? Are our children not as
precious? Healthy adults may tolerate it better than young
children. But what about sick adults? Specifically, adults with a
brain illness? Glutamic acid is a natural constituent of protein in
our foods. And the sodium glutamate it must form in the body
does no harm. But MSG is not biologically produced. It is lab-
made. Lab-made amino acids are not the same as biologically
made. Perhaps it is these “isomers”, perhaps it is the simple
overdose of a natural thing that is brain-toxic. Whatever the
mechanism, MSG should not be consumed by anyone, let alone a
seizure sufferer. Fortunately, you can ask at restaurants, where
(not whether) MSG is used so you can avoid these foods.
BHT and BHA, standing for bishydroxytoluene and bishy-
droxyanisole are food preservatives and also seizure triggers.
They are often put on the boxes of cereals, rather than the cereals
themselves, so the cereals can be pronounced preservative-free.
Imagine how much the box must be drenched with to prevent
oxygen leakage into the interior?