Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

chances. Keep your drugs with you, even though you no longer
need to take them. Drugs like TegretolTM and PhenobarbitalTM
are not harmless. Once you can tell that you're better, try reducing
your drug dosage slightly. See how you manage. If you have a
breakthrough seizure you could fall and break a bone. Don't take
chances. Even a year after your last seizure you should carry your
medicine with you and have some in your house. This is because
it is so easy to pick up Ascaris again. The highway to the brain–
its seizure center–is still open. They will travel it again. It might
only take two days from the time of accidental swallowing of
animal filth, to having little larvae in the brain. Use a frequency
generator every day at first, or zap daily to guard against this.
Notice that killing parasites the first time may actually start a
seizure coming. Simply stop zapping if you feel one coming. Do
shortened zapping until you can tolerate a regular treatment. Have
someone with you while zapping.
Say good-bye to seizures forever. But don't forget your sus-
ceptibility. I believe you should be extra careful for two years. If
you have a recurrence, repeat the whole procedure. This time it
should be curable in a single day.

Doug's mother was distraught when she brought him, age 8 months.
Her doctor only seemed sympathetic with her purpose to keep the
baby's temperature down the next time he catches a cold. But her
doctor had referred her to the county social worker. She had been
completely honest with her doctor, because she was that kind of
trusting person. Since her baby had only experienced one seizure
(which was during a fever), she didn't see why her beautiful first
born child should be on medicine “the rest of his life”. She wanted
her baby to be perfect. But the social worker had called her, talked
about “the law” and being an unfit mother. She was all apart. The
baby was supposed to be on PhenobarbitalTM twice a day. Our
tests showed Doug had Ascaris plus lead toxicity. He was also
getting home made strawberry and grape juice. She promised to
put the three cats outdoors, keep the baby off the floor, keep
Doug's fingernails short and always wash his hands before eating.
The parasites were easily killed. The lead was spo-

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