Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

family cleared their Ascaris infestation and in three weeks the sei-
zures were gone but aggressive behavior remained. There was
mercury in the air of some rooms but it was not in the paint. The
bathroom was the worst. When everything in the bathroom was
removed, the air cleared and so did Shiresse's behavior problem.

Drew Seaton, age 8, had his first seizure lasting nearly a minute. The
parents were very fastidious and extremely conscientious about
diet and habits. They were distraught. They all had Ascaris. A
baby was still being diapered. Drew had arsenic (pesticide under
kitchen sink), formaldehyde (some remodeling) and PVC (a new
carpet) accumulated in his body. The carpets had to be steam
cleaned to get rid of the arsenic. He was started on parasite herbs
at once, since he was on medication that would shield him from
having another seizure while killing Ascaris. Two weeks later eve-
rybody, except the mother, was free of Ascaris. In another two
weeks they were all free and had cleaned up house toxins. They
dared to stop his medicine. This let Drew's former happy person-
ality come back to everyone's delight. Two years later there was
still no recurrence.

Cosmo Maser, 30ish, was in a hospital across the country. He was
having continuous seizures, although he had been there a week. It
seemed impossible to transport him but, against doctor's orders,
they got him into a station wagon. He had nothing to eat or drink
that had any malvin in it (he ate four very well done hamburgers,
plain, with lettuce on his trip) and his seizures stopped immedi-
ately. They felt a bit sheepish upon arrival 20 hours later since he
could sit up, could tell his own story and no longer looked ill. He
was without medication, too. They had left in a hurry. They imme-
diately removed all the metal from his mouth; this cleared his
mercury problem. He was started on parasite medicine and
weathered the small seizures each increase gave him. He could
return home in five days with his new diet and thioctic acid daily as
a supplement. He occasionally had a seizure (2 a month) until they
moved away from the busy street below their apartment. About a
year later he could hold a job and go off Social Security support.

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