Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

symptoms you get: manic depression or migraines. Maybe chlo-
rine is the deciding factor.
These tiny wormlets can pass the placenta into the unborn
fetus. Is it any wonder that these brain disturbances seem to be
inherited? Of course, there is ample opportunity to simply eat
them off hands, other people's hands, and off floors during
childhood. The amazing truth is that some family members do not
get infected with it or at least do not get brain symptoms! It is
very difficult to eradicate Strongyloides in a whole family and
thereby let the depressed person get well. It is, in fact, impossi-
ble if there is a pet or other animal connection. Getting rid of the
chlorine allergy is also very challenging. Step one is to zap all
I usually see an accumulation of bromine as well. Since
bromine, fluorine and chlorine are all halogens, maybe getting
too much of any one could saturate the liver's ability to detoxify
chlorine. Stop eating brominated (bleached) bread. Stop taking
drugs containing bromides. That is the easy part. You must also
stop even washing your face in chlorinated water (use a pure
carbon filter system). You inhale it as you wash. Never drink it
or use it for any purpose. Of course, there should be no bleach
container in the house, even when tightly closed; nor should
bleached clothing be worn.
Do the Four Clean-ups. Sometimes the cloud lifts and the
mind clears on the way home from the dentist. Recovery can be
very rapid—less than a week. And recurrence just as rapid when
a tiny bit of chlorine is inhaled or drunk. But your careful vigi-
lance pays off. In half a year you can expect no recurrence.
Humans, it seems, must lick fingers with the same compulsion
that cows lick their noses and cats lick their rears. The single,
most significant advance in human hygiene would most assuredly
be stopping the hand to mouth habit. We must always eat with
utensils. And never leave a bathroom without washing. These are
difficult changes but the new age of parasitism makes

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