Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

The beverages to encourage are sterilized milk and hot wa-
ter—delicious with whipping cream, honey and cinnamon. This
gets them away from solvents, oxalic acid and caffeine.
Old age is not a time when you “no longer need milk.” Cal-
cium losses increase in old age. Milk has the organic form of
calcium, chelated with lactic acid, and it has the cream to pro-
mote absorption. For this reason, milk should never be reduced
in fat content (not less than 2%). The cream is necessary to im-
prove calcium absorption.
In old age it is downright dangerous to be taking many cal-
cium tablets. The stomach does not have the acid necessary to
dissolve them. They pass into the intestine, disturbing its function
and acid levels. With tablets, too, one must be careful with
dosages, while food is self limiting. No elderly person would be
able to drink more than one cup of milk at a time. This contains
250 mg. of calcium.
Milk, however, requires stomach acid to curdle it as the first
step in digestion. If there is not sufficient acid, it will pass undi-
gested into the intestine, causing new problems. We must listen to
the elderly when they say milk gives them gas or other troubles.
Having the milk warm to hot helps in getting digestion started
in the stomach. Milk served hot with cinnamon accomplishes two
purposes: it will stimulate acid secretion and the cinnamon is an
insulin aid. Milk served hot with honey adds the nutritive value
of honey, displacing the need for other unnatural sweets. The
meal should always include something sour to curdle the milk. It
does not have to be added to the milk; it can simply be included
with the meal somewhere.
Lemon juice or vinegar can be put in certain foods but the
most reliable way to get it into the diet is to put 1 tablespoon into
the water glass along with a teaspoon of honey. This gives the
water a “sweet and sour” flavor, enough to make it interesting
throughout the meal. The fresh lemon juice or white dis-

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