Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

very gradually and only when digestion allows it. Of course, the
milk must be sterile.
If it is not sterile, the final warming will only increase the
bacterial count. You must be sure of its sterility. Boil the milk
yourself. Near-boiling is not hot enough. It must be heated until it
bubbles up and almost goes over the container for ten seconds.
Use a non-metal pot that holds one to two quarts. You may throw
away the skin. Then cool and refrigerate. Supply it to the home,
Milk that is marketed in paper containers that need no re-
frigeration has been sterilized; it is safe.
Once the body, even an aged body, finds a nutritious food that
does not cause troubles of its own, it asks for more. Your loved
one will accept it and drink it without forceful coaxing, if there is
no problem with it. As long as your loved one tries to avoid
drinking it, your challenge is to find the problem and solve it. It
is not a matter of taste or habit. It is a matter of digestibility and
lack of toxicity. When your loved one is drinking three cups of
milk (or buttermilk or whey) a day and three cups of water, there
will be no room (nor request) for the usual coffee and tea and
other bad beverages.
We all must die of something. But it needn't be a stroke, or
heart failure, or cancer. Choose what seems to be the most
pressing problem to work on. Common problems that plague the
aged are brain problems, incontinence, bad digestion, diabetes,
tremor, weakness, feeling cold, sensitivity to noise, losing the
sense of taste and smell, hearing loss, insomnia, kidney and heart

Increase Oxygen.......................................................

Brain problems include memory loss, communication deficit,
dementia (calling things by inappropriate names and saying

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