Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

child. If a food tastes bad, don't eat it. If you crave it, try to un-
derstand the message.

Outwit The Cravings................................................

Here are some examples. Suppose you crave these items:

  • Pickles. They supply vinegar and are often loved by per-
    sons with little acid in their stomachs or a lot of yeast
    (vinegar is a yeast inhibitor). Start drinking water with
    lemon juice or vinegar and honey.

  • Bacon. The fat soothes the stomach and slows down di-
    gestion. Switch to butter and cream, with meals.

  • Sugar coated cereals. Loved by persons with disturbed
    sugar regulation. Kill parasites, avoid wood alcohol, use
    chromium tablets and a lot of cinnamon.

  • Crunchy munchies. Your jaw and teeth want some work to
    do. Try salads, an apple, raw sunflower seeds (beware of
    moldy seeds, nuts and dried fruit).

  • Ice cream. Ice cold food stimulates the thyroid; loved by
    low thyroid persons. Clean up the thyroid by doing dental
    work and liver cleanses.

  • Caffeine-laced beverages. Stimulate many body tissues,
    raise blood pressure. Loved by low energy people. Do a
    general body and environment cleanup. (There are people
    who say coffee puts them to sleep. Insomnia has better
    solutions than caffeine, though.)

  • Candy. The more you eat the more you crave because
    chromium is being used up as you eat it and yet it is nec-
    essary to utilize more sugar. Give yourself chromium
    (GTF) tablets totaling 1 mg. (1,000 mcg.) a day and watch
    your sugar craving shrink.

  • Pretzels. You want salt plus crunch.

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