Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Back To Normal.......................................................

Body wisdom was not meant to substitute for parental
teaching. They must both be there. But when there is conflict,
trust your wisdom. Will you ever get your primitive body wis-
dom back and enjoy vegetables, fruit, simple styles of cooking
and baking them? Yes, to a considerable extent. You'll hold your
nose at all seeds and nuts and most flour (they smell so rancid).
You'll back away from cookies and cakes, especially icing (they
taste like you imagine shortening tastes). You'll retreat from deep
fat fried foods: the dripping grease will just undo the appetite.
You'll say “No thanks” to canned food and metal cutlery (you can
taste the metal now). You'd have to force yourself to eat grocery
bread (it's so doughy and sour smelling). Wheat germ smells
terrible (rancidity). Even vitamin tablets may smell awful.
Has life been ruined, now that plain potatoes and butter taste
good? Your body wisdom has returned. You are the true gourmet.
It is as different as corn on the cob is from the canned variety.
Perhaps you are “spoiled” now by eating un-rotten food. Accept
the charge with humor and dignity—as long as you're not
expected to eat any more spoiled, moldy food.

Toxic Food...............................................................

Grilled food develops benzopyrenes in it that are very toxic.
In an age of lowered immunity, it makes little sense to de-
liberately poison the food with benzopyrenes. Especially for
children, who will be faced with new viruses and parasites in
their lifetimes. Will they be able to overcome them or succumb at
middle age? Only the strength of their immune system decides

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