Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

For unpolluted vitamins see Sources.
It would be wise to teach children the habits that maximize
their immune strength. Avoiding food toxins that are specifically
immune-lowering is most important. Besides the benzopyrenes,
certain mold toxins and solvents do this and are found in foods.

Moldy Food.............................................................

Everything that's animal or vegetable can get moldy. While
living things are alive, the mold attackers can be held at bay. As
soon as they are dead, molding begins. First it molds; then bac-
terial action sets in. This is what makes things biodegradable. It
is a precious phenomenon. It does away with filth—in an exqui-
site manner. Without mold and decay the streets of New York
would still be full of horse manure from the days of the horse and
buggy and our lakes too full of dead fish to swim in.
Every grain has its molds; every fruit has its molds; tea and
coffee plants have their molds; as do all herbs, and vegetables.
Nuts have their molds; nuts grown in the ground (peanuts) are
especially moldy because the earth is so full of mold spores. But
the wind carries these spores high up into trees, and even up to
the stratosphere. Molds are not very choosy. They have their
preference for certain plants and conditions. But the same molds
can grow on many plants. This is why aflatoxin, for instance, is
found not just in your cereal, bread and pasta but in nuts, maple
syrup, orange juice, vinegar, wine, etc. Where is it not? It is not
in dairy products or fresh fruit and vegetables, provided you
wash the outside. It is not in meat, eggs, and fish. It is not in
Although I find aflatoxin in commercial bread, I do not find it
in carefully screened wheat that has had its discolored, shriveled
seeds removed before using it for making bread, cereals

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