
(pavlina) #1

  1. Doen of hebben? Dat is niet langer de vraag

1       Het belangrijkste   document    voor    dit hoofdstuk   is  van Tom Gilovich    en
Leaf van Boven, ‘To Do or to Have? That is the Question’, in: Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 85, No. 6, 2003.
Het hoofdstuk is daarnaast gebaseerd op interviews met psychologen,
onder wie Tom Gilovich, Ryan Howell, Leaf van Boven, Joseph
Goodman, Tim Kasser en Travis Carter. Daarnaast heb ik geput uit een
aantal wetenschappelijke publicaties, zoals: Leonardo Nicolao, Julie R.
Irwin en Joseph K. Goodman, ‘Happiness for Sale: Do Experiential
Purchases Make Consumers Happier Than Material Purchases?’, in:
Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2009; Elizabeth W. Dunn,
Daniel T. Gilbert en Timothy D. Wilson, ‘If Money Doesn’t Make You
Happy, Then You Probably aren’t Spending It Right’, in: Journal of
Consumer Psychology, Vol. 21, No. 2, april 2011; Tim Kasser, The High
Price of Materialism, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2002; Tim Kasser et
al., ‘Materialistic Values: Their Causes and Consequences’, in:
Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in a
Materialistic World, red. Tim Kasser en Allen D. Kramer, Washington,
DC, American Psychological Association, 2004; Leaf van Boven,
‘Experientialism, Materialism and the Pursuit of Happiness’, in: Review
of General Psychology, Vol. 9, No. 2, juni 2005; Elizabeth Dunn en
Michael Norton, ‘Don’t Indulge. Be Happy’, in: The New York Times, 7
juli 2012; Elizabeth Dunn en Michael Norton, Happy Money: The
Science of Spending, New York, Simon & Schuster, 2013; Travis Carter
en Thomas Gilovich, ‘I am What I Do, Not What I Have: The Centrality
of Experiential Purchases to the Self-Concept’, in: Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, Vol. 102, No. 6, 2012; Travis Carter en Thomas
Gilovich, ‘The Relative Relativity of Material and Experiential
Purchases’, in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 98,
No. 1, 2010; Ryan T. Howell, Paulina Pchelin en Ravi Iyer, ‘The
Preference for Experiences over Possessions: Measurement and
Construct Validation of the Experiential Buying Tendency Scale’, in:
Journal of Positive Psychology, Vol. 7, No. 1, januari 2012; Emily
Rosenzweig en Thomas Gilovich, ‘Buyer’s Remorse or Missed
Opportunity? Differential Regrets for Material and Experiential
Purchases’, in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 102,
No. 2, 2012; Tori DeAngelis, ‘Consumerism and Its Discontents’, in:
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