
(pavlina) #1
Page 117

  1. Then lie down. Lubricate and insert the nozzle, several inches (well beyond
    the rectal canal). Open the stop cock and allow the liquid to drain very slowly
    into your intestines. Relax and breath slowly while this takes place.

  2. Try to take the whole bag and retain for around 15 minutes. If you feel
    spasms or unpleasant symptoms, close the stop cock or if there isn’t one, simply
    lower the bag to the floor. Wait for half a minute and then try again.

  3. Immediate symptoms of headache, fever, nausea, intestinal spasms and
    drowsiness generally indicate the flushing of toxins. Increase the frequency if
    this happens. If you wake with a headache and drowsiness, this could mean
    withdrawal symptoms. Try an extra enema last thing at night.

  4. IMPORTANT: After the last enema at night you need to inject via your rectum
    about 50mls. of cold-pressed sunflower seed oil, flaxseed oil or similar, to line
    your intestines and protect the mucus membranes.

  5. Keep all equipment clean but sterility is not required.

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