Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1 171


  • The integration of solutions around
    Marketing Communications, ensuring
    they can work with on-premise or cloud-
    native – taking advantage of the new
    One Domain Model for Utilities

  • Building proper meter-to-cash engine
    using SAP’s cloud-native solution
    Subscription Billing

  • Focusing on adoption, ensuring
    customers properly adopt SAP solutions,
    and learn how to implement systems

Engelhardt said it must simplify how
customers transform from current
landscapes to new ones. “We are working
on ways to automate what’s possible.
When you move from an on-premise,
IT environment – that was designed 10
to 15 years ago – and you go to a cloud
environment, you always have a lot of
change management, and technical things
to consider. SAP has plenty of tools, and
we’re looking to enhance them for utilities,
and automate more processes.”
Asked about the industry’s future
direction, Engelhardt said: “I don’t know
if there’s one clear direction – beyond
everyone wanting to become green, and
offering more sustainable products. The
trend to become customer-focused multi-
service providers will definitively impact the
underlying IT requirements at all Utilities.
“We see some customers saying ‘we
can only achieve what we need with the
most modern products’, but the majority
are going step-by-step. Every company
has to find the way that fits best to its
strategy and we at SAP are committed
to support this journey with all of our
industry expertise.”

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