Technology - USA (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


Josephin Galla assumed the
role of Managing Director of SAP
South East Europe in July 2020, covering
Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia,
Croatia, and the seven countries of
the West Balkans. Based in Bucharest,
Romania she is responsible for driving
SAP’s strategy, operations, revenue,
and customer success in 12 countries
focusing on People, Business and Brand
across the region. Born in Berlin, her
professional career has taken her from
SAP Germany to SAP China, SAP Asia
in various roles from sales executive to
industry expert, with her previous role
being the Managing Director of SAP
Vietnam with a proven track record
of business growth. She is a well-
respected speaker at international
conferences bringing more than a
decade of experience in technology,
public services and sales leadership
to the table. Her passion is to promote
talents and education – bringing
together industry, academia and
governments around the globe.
Josephin has been with SAP
since February 2008, heading for
13 years.
She holds a Diploma in
International Economics from
the International Business
School Berlin and a Bachelor
Degree in Business
Administration from the
University of Sunderland.


SAP partner
companies globally

SAP customers in
more than 180 countries

to help commercial companies adapt and
grow while facing, let’s call it, a new reality
with new challenges,” Cirkovic says. “The
public sector is a key business focus for our
investment in the West Balkans, and we have
become a trusted advisor.”
Twelve months since the coronavirus
outbreak was declared a pandemic,
however, it is clear that governments
are lagging behind. COVID-19 exposed
weaknesses in their fundamental operations.
Fiscal consolidation, tax administration
modernisation, and citizen engagement
are all essential functions that are under-
developed compared to their counterparts
in Western Europe, Cirkovic points out: “The
government sector is still using old systems
which, though still functional, are sometimes
15 to 20 years old. But this is the opportunity.”
Diversity in the region throws up additional
issues. Some countries such as Bulgaria,
which “is all over digital transformation and
smart cities,” are gaining pace. “We have very
close cooperation with the municipalities,”
Galla says. “Just to mention one example,
after the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic, Sofia Municipality and six other
municipalities in the country introduced
SAP SEE’s COVID-19 Pre-Screen & Routing
Qualtrics Questionnaire. This is an intelligent
online information platform for the citizens
which gathers up-to-date information on 325
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