Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-03-06)

(Antfer) #1



myself, “Am I doing this for
myself or everyone else?” It has

to be for myself. I don’t want to get

lost in the process of being

successful, so I need to focus on

what I want to do rather than

listening to the voices around me.

You can become lazy when you feel

like you’ve out-done yourself and

everything is great – but then you

stop doing what you do for the

reasons you started doing it. When

you shoot pictures to please other

people you are giving away some

of your personal time – you may as

well be at work!

‘I’ve been doing double exposures

for four or five years now. After a

while you get to know what people

like so you shoot that way because

it’s easy and you know it’s going to

work. That can make photography

boring as there’s no experimentation

  • you already know what the picture

is going to look like. There’s nothing

real about the process. Even if it does

really well on social media you get a

bitter-sweet feeling as other people

like the picture but it doesn’t mean

very much to me.’

Louis hasn’t decided yet on a

direction for his future personal

work, but he is keeping an open

mind while he thinks about it. ‘I’m

still searching. I used to be scared

about moving away from shooting

double exposures, but now it feels

refreshing. It’s a new approach and

I’m finding it really exciting. I’m

aiming for the same thing I was

when I started taking pictures;

making memories and feeling

satisfied with what I’m doing – even
if it’s just for me. Liking my own
pictures should be enough for me.
My pictures need to be in sync with
how I feel, and I should be proud of
them. I have been taking pictures for
other people for too long.
‘I don’t know if I’ll abandon
double exposures entirely, as it was
my first love, so I will probably still
shoot them when I see the potential,
but it won’t be the main part of my
work. I won’t be able to capture that
same sense of time in a single frame,
and I have no idea really what I will
do next other than trying to capture
the way I feel. It’s really hard to
remap my brain to see things
differently as I have got used to
seeing that way.’
‘Over the past few months I’ve
been trying to move on, but we’ll see
how that goes as we move through

  1. I’m stepping up my game, and
    having a change of direction – seeing
    things differently but still focusing
    on the right thing. We all need to
    focus on what we feel.’

Kit, settings and lm
Louis uses a Nikon F2 for most of his
film work, and a Sony A6300 when
he is shooting digitally. ‘I’d love a
Nikon F6, but they are quite
expensive. I also want a Hasselblad
500 – I don’t need it, and I’m not
into cameras, but I think it will make
me shoot in a different way. At the
moment though I shoot almost
everything with the F2 and a Nikkor
35mm f/2 lens, but sometimes use a
28mm or a 50mm. The 35mm has a

view that’s similar to the way I see.
‘You can be really close to the
subject with a 35mm lens, which
creates a different vibe and allows
you to feel their energy. Pictures shot
with 85mm and long lenses don’t
make me feel things in the same way

  • it’s like the people are just standing
    there. Most of the time I shoot wide
    open as almost all my work is shot at
    night; the middle of the day isn’t
    really my thing. And I shoot
    handheld. I experimented a lot
    when I started and now use the same
    settings all the time. I shoot at
    1/30sec or 1/15sec because I have
    pretty steady hands.
    ‘I used Kodak Ekta 100 pushed to
    400 when I started, but now I use
    Kodak Portra 400 colour negative film
    most often. I didn’t think I would
    like Lomography film as usually it
    has really strong colours, but
    Lomofilm 400 works well at night.
    Portra 400 is kind of warm and is
    really close to the way I see. CineStill
    film is too blue and I don’t like the
    halation. I also tried Fujifilm Velvia
    50 slide film and liked the results,
    but it’s expensive, you have to wait
    longer to get it developed and I need

Above: Margot,
Summer 2016,
Nikon F2,
Portra 400

Left: From left to
right: Sony A6300,
Rollei 35s,
Olympus OM30,
Nikon F2

Right: Martin,
Paris, Summer
2017, Sony A6300
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