(Mansi) #1

But that was probably for the best since she decided to
spend half of the vacation just in the room but now she felt
that it would have been a mistake. Bali was beautiful.

"Now close your eyes and go to a happy place." The
meditation mentor with was saying.

There were close to 15 people and Zoya was sitting near an
old man who was constantly wiping his tears.

"Excuse me sir. Are you okay?" Yes, yes I'm just so moved by
this meditation.

"But we are not started yet."

"This is the power of meditation child." The man said and
wiped his already dried eyes once more.

"Close your eyes if you want to escape this world of pain,
power and penance." The mentor repeated everyone

"Oh my God where did that come from?" The mentor
jumped up and climbed onto the chair sitting near by.

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